
Tests offered at Evolve include, but are not limited to:

  • Cognitive Assessment System (2nd edition)—a measure of cognitive ability based on the cognitive/neuropsychological theory called PASS (Planning, Attention, Simultaneous, and Successive).  The CAS2 was designed to measure cognitive processing abilities important for a broad range of differential diagnoses and instructional planning.

  • Behavior Assessment System for Children (BASC-3)—a comprehensive set of rating scales designed to inform understanding of the behaviors and emotions of individuals ages 2 to 21:11.  Clinical scales of the BASC include Aggression, Anxiety, Attention Problems, Atypicality, Conduct Problems, Depression, Hyperactivity, Learning Problems, Somatization and Withdrawal.

  • The Beery-Buktenica Visual Motor Integration Test (VMI)- a neuropsychological test that analyzes visual construction skills.  It identifies problems with visual perception, motor coordination, and visual-motor integration such as hand-eye coordination.

  • Academic achievement tests may include: Gray Oral Reading Test (GORT), Wechsler Individual Achievement Test (WIAT) and/or Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Academic Achievement (WJ-Ach).

    Psychoeducational Evaluations

    Psycho educational evaluations include a number of assessments for the purpose of identifying specific strengths and weaknesses of cognitive functioning, along with a child's learning potential.  These assessments include:  clinical interviews, standardized intelligence testing (IQ), social-emotional rating scales and paper and pencil tasks.  The information obtained from this evaluation can also be used in conjunction with an educational evaluation in order to determine ability-achievement discrepancies and to provide information for diagnostic purposes.  Using this information, I make recommendations regarding school interventions and standardized testing accommodations.   Our evaluations/screenings also include, but are not limited to testing for: ADHD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Generalized Anxiety and Autism.  

    Note: these tests will be offered in person at a sister site. Multiple location options available.